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How To Use The Best Car Transport Quote Calculator

Updated: August 19, 2024
Written by: Mike Rupers

Shipping your car may mean moving it thousands of miles across the country, or simply transporting it a shorter distance in-state or to a neighboring state. Knowing what it will cost can be made easier by using the car shipping calculator that Direct Express Auto Transport first originated in 2004. In this forum, or blog article, we will inform you on how best to apply our unique and best in class car transport quote calculator to your situation.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Avoid online car shipping calculators that require personal information. Don’t let your mobile phone light up or your email inbox fill up. Use a good car transport rate calculator that offers quotes with no personal information.
  • Understand what goes into the pricing of your vehicle shipment. A sedan will be cheaper than a pickup truck, for example.
  • Decide ahead of time if your vehicle should be protected from the elements and go Enclosed. Or if it is no big deal if it gets dirty and can go Open-Air Transport like the overwhelming majority of cars. 
  • Do not order your vehicle shipment too early. A couple weeks in advance is ideal.

How Much Does Car Shipping Cost?

According to our company records, it can cost as little as $300 for small cars going a short distance, to as much as $3,000 for a big pickup going across the country. It all depends. 

The Main Factors That Affect Car Shipping Costs

Because we invented the car transport quote calculator, nobody knows better what goes into calculating instant quotes. Other car shipping companies use a common third rate calculator software that indeed produces a price. But how reliable is another question. And maddeningly, the other competitors often won’t reveal that car shipping cost without you first giving up personal information such as  your email address, phone number, and name.

We don’t do that. Ever. Ours is truly a no personal information instant car transport quote calculator.

We factor certain metrics, including distance, size of vehicle, seasonal fluctuations, operational status, running condition, type of trailer and much more.

Shipping Distance

All car transport companies charge by the mile. You’ll receive a lower rate per mile for vehicle shipments at longer distances, though the overall cost will be higher.

Size of Vehicle

Larger vehicles like pickup trucks, vans, large SUVs and RVs are more expensive to ship than sedans and smaller SUVs. The size of your vehicle is a big factor in the quote engine.

Origination & Destination Locations

Big cities are easier and therefore cheaper than rural areas. It is an important factor.

Type of Trailer – Open or Enclosed

Enclosed transport offers your vehicle more protection during the shipment but at a higher price point than open transport. An enclosed car carrier is often a good choice for shipping luxury and classic cars. However, about 97% of all car shipments go Open-Air Transport because it is cheaper and still safe. The vehicle may arrive a little dirty from the road, but otherwise in the same condition. Just take it to the car wash.


The auto transport industry typically sees higher demand for truck space during the summer, and again briefly in January, which leads to higher prices. Why? Because car shipping is a seasonal business, with higher rates in the summer months (when many families relocate) and in January (when snowbirds fly south for the winter). There is a spike in car shipping demand that gets loaded into the calculator.

Vehicle Condition

Inoperable vehicles are more expensive to ship since they require more resources to transport than those that are in working order. A running car is much easier to load and unload. The carrier driver often needs to reposition his group of vehicles, so if a vehicle is non-running, that’s an issue that needs compensating. Usually $150 to $200 extra for non-operational vehicles.

When Best To Get Car Shipping Estimates

It is not first come … first serve, in the auto transport industry. No, not at all. It is who is paying the most for your size vehicle that gets a spot on the trailer first. Being too early to book might cause problems that you had not anticipated.

Do Not Book Too Far in Advance

One of the biggest mistakes we see are customers who think they are reserving a spot on a trailer, as if they were a seat on a plane, and think ordering their shipment a month in advance is wise. It is not. Nothing actually begins to happen with 99% of vehicle shipments until the week your order is made available. Booking a week or two in advance is ideal.

Get Current Rates For Car Shipping

Some car shipping companies offer guaranteed pricing, but usually at inflated rates so that if the market changes, they won’t get hurt. Most brokers do not guarantee prices because they can’t guarantee what they can’t control.

For instance, car transport pricing spikes dramatically shipping to Florida in December and January. It may even double on some routes. If you book that Florida shipment in October for a December ship date, the price will be likely too low and carriers will be filling their trailers with other higher paying freight, often booked just days in advance. You may sit wondering why your car hasn’t moved? The reason is that you booked too early.

An Auto Transport Broker With Great Google Reviews

An ethical car transport broker will give you the above advice. You can have a pleasant car shipping experience if somebody honest steers you in the right direction. The great thing about Google reviews is that you publicly know who the reviewer is, and that it probably isn’t a competitor taking cheap shots. The BBB is much the same way. Find a broker with outstanding reviews. Like Direct Express Auto Transport.

Car Transport Quote Calculator: The Bottom Line

Direct Express Auto Transport originated the instant quote calculator in 2004. It was nearly four years before a knockoff appeared. We have refined and perfected our quote engine and say confidently that it is by far the best in the car shipping industry.

Car Transport Cost: FAQ

Should You Ship Your Car Open or Enclosed?
About 97% of all vehicle shipments are shipped on an Open Trailer. It’s proven to be a very safe method with statistically very few problems. You may notice new cars being delivered to dealerships in an open trailer, and that’s because it’s safe. If you have a collector car or really expensive automobile, say around $75,000 or more, then we recommend shipping it in an Enclosed Trailer. Expect to pay about 33-50% more for an Enclosed transport. Our auto shipping costs calculator automatically adds the extra enclosed car transport estimate to your quote, so you can experiment with the quotes if you like.
How Long Will It Take To Pick Up My Vehicle?

Over 90% of our orders ship inside of one week. That could be anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Most of the U.S. population lives in a major metropolitan area and is shipping to another well populated area, and that makes a big difference. Cars usually ship in a very regular manner, almost half within just a few days.

If either your origination or destination locations are away from population centers, in other words, in a remote area, then you might consider meeting a driver in a nearby big city or town to increase your chances of shipping timely. Or adding money to the carrier fee may entice a carrier. Remember, anyone you choose can serve as your point of contact, which takes the stress out of shipping your vehicle.

How Do I Prepare My Vehicle For Shipment?

Clean out your vehicle of all loose items as much as possible. Leave nothing of value in the vehicle. It’s very rare that any items are stolen during transport, but we recommend extra caution to prevent loss.

Keep extra items as previously discussed to a minimum and place in the trunk or out of sight. Have only about a quarter tank of gasoline. Give the auto transport carrier a set of keys and advise them of any special instructions for your vehicle, like difficulty starting, steering, braking, etc.

Driver Consideration: Being a truck driver can be a thankless job. They work long hours and are away from their families for weeks at a time. Please be friendly and considerate to our drivers, and they will treat you in the same manner.

How Are Car Shipping Quotes Calculated?

The first factor used to calculate car shipping cost is the transport distance. Next are the length, height and weight of the vehicle, followed by running condition and type of trailer (Open or Enclosed). Finally, seasonal fluctuations may impact the overall cost.

Non-Running Vehicles Cost More

Maneuvering non-operational vehicles on and off a car transport trailer is a big challenge. Car shipping companies much prefer operational (running) vehicles because it gives them an easier option to reposition their entire load. Non-running vehicles take considerably more time to get on and off the trailer. So the car shipping quote must reflect the higher cost. Many auto transporters don’t have a winch and cannot accommodate non-running vehicles. That is one reason it takes longer on average to ship non-operational vehicles. Fewer do it. If at all possible, fixing your vehicle before trying to ship it will save on the non-running car transport cost, and make the process go faster.

How Long Does It Take To Deliver My Vehicle?

Delivering is final step in the process, and also the simplest part. Once your vehicle has been assigned and picked up, not too much can go wrong. Once the vehicle is picked up, you can estimate that it will take roughly 1 day of transit time for every 500 miles distance. Delivery Time Estimate Guide 100-500 miles takes 1 or 2 days 500-1000 miles takes 2 or 3 days 1000-1500 miles takes 3 or 4 days 1500-2000 miles takes 4 or 5 days 2000-2500 miles takes 5 or 6 days 2500-3000 miles takes 6 or 7 days Depending on the distance, weather conditions and population centers it could be a few days or weeks until a vehicle reaches its destination. The carriers usually estimate about 10 days on coast to coast trips, but they frequently arrive earlier.

Can I Put Stuff In My Car When I Ship It?

Yes and no. The strict interpretation is no, you can’t ship items inside your vehicle. The reality is that almost all carriers look the other way on items that weigh less than 100 pounds, roughly the equivalent of 2 suitcases. We recommend placing any additional items in the trunk and out of sight. The U.S. Transportation Law states that a carrier can be fined $10,000 for hauling household items in the vehicle, but it’s rarely enforced. However, the drivers do estimate the weight of each vehicle that they carry and don’t want problems at weight scales. So they must keep the personal items to a minimum. Some drivers will accept a tip ($50-$250) for hauling extra stuff, but some won’t. Rule of thumb, don’t take advantage.